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Career Advice

How To Prepare for a Software Engineering Technical Interview

How you perform in a technical interview can make or break a job offer, so it's absolutely critical to prepare. Here's career coach Bill Souders on six things to prepare for if you want to ace your next technical interview.
Career Advice

The Hidden Job Market

The “hidden job market”  usually refers to jobs that — for one reason or another — are not publicly listed on job boards or elsewhere, and yet make up almost 70% of opportunities. Career Coach Bill Souders gives his tips on how to tap this market in your own job search.
Career Advice

Before The Interview

If you've got an interview coming up, preparing well is the key to success. Here are Career Coach Bill Souders' 5 must-do steps before you walk into the interview room.
Career Advice

After The Interview

Not sure what to do after an interview? No matter how it went, you should always do the three items on this post-interview checklist: send a thank you note, perform an interview analysis, and get back out there!