Career Advice

Signs A Career In Tech Is Right For You

Thinking about a career in tech? Here are 7 Signs A Career In Tech Is Right For You, from Career Coach Andrea Towe.
Career Advice

Switching Careers With Your Current Employer

For career changers, its often expected that you'll have to switch employers. But, according to Career Coach Andrea Towe, a change is closer than you may think - even at your current employer.
Career Advice

7 Reasons To Consider Temporary Work Opportunities

Temporary work opportunities can be a great first step toward full-time employment. Here are 7 reasons to consider it from Career Coach Andrea Towe.
Career Advice

How to Make the Most of a Mock Interview

A mock interview is a chance to practice your interviewing skills in a low-stakes environment. Here are 7 tips from Career Coach Andrea Towe for making the most of them so that when you're headed into the real deal, you'll be ready.
Career Advice

How to Choose Your Next Employer

For new graduates wondering how to choose an employer, Career Coach Andrea Towe recommends 6 steps - starting with introspection to identify your interests. That way, she says, you'll have a better chance of finding the right job for you.
Career Advice

How To Structure an Effective Job Search Strategy

If you're looking for a new gig, developing an effective job search strategy can set you up for success and help you land a new job faster. Here's career coach Andrea Towe's 7 tips for structuring your job search.