A Mom’s Day in the Life at an Online Data Science Bootcamp

When you think of going to school, it’s fairly easy to picture your daily schedule: classes, a lunch break, more classes and lectures. But what happens when you choose to study online? When the four walls of the classroom become the four walls of your living room or local coffee shop, where do you find […]

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When you think of going to school, it’s fairly easy to picture your daily schedule: classes, a lunch break, more classes and lectures. But what happens when you choose to study online? When the four walls of the classroom become the four walls of your living room or local coffee shop, where do you find the balance between learning and living?

We asked a few of our online students, including Giovanna, learning online in New Jersey, to share how she makes her part-time online data science schedule work around her life as a mom, and vice versa. In our part-time program, students can expect to spend 25-30 hours per week on lessons, labs and studying. See how Giovanna makes it work:

Giovanna’s Daily Schedule

5:20am – 6:00am: I wake up, make coffee, and then prepare breakfast and lunchboxes for my kids.

6:00am – 7:00am: After that, I workout at Crossfit. I typically only go on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 

7:30am – 8:30am: Following my morning exercise, I go back home to shower, eat breakfast, and prep my kids for school drop off.

9:00am – 12:00pm: For most of the morning, I study, attend Flatiron School’s organized study hours, and meet one-on-one with either instructional staff or my educational coach over Zoom.

12:00pm – 2:30pm: After spending most of the morning studying, I typically take a lunch break, see friends, run errands at the grocery store or post office. Sometimes I catch up on laundry or decide to go back to studying and watching tutorials.

2:30pm – 5:00pm: Mid-afternoon, I pick up my kids from school and drive them to their after-school activities, the playground, or sit with them while they do their homework.

5:00pm – 7:00pm: If it’s a Flatiron School study group night (Tuesdays or Thursdays), my kids eat dinner with my husband while I attend class. I’ll eat a quick dinner beforehand before I log on at 6pm. If it’s not, we eat together as a family.

7:00pm – 9:00pm: After study group or dinner, we then do the dishes, put the kids to bed and read with them, and then I read in my bed until it’s lights out.

Disclaimer: The information in this blog is current as of February 26, 2020. Current policies, offerings, procedures, and programs may differ.

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