Cybersecurity Engineering
How to Become a Cybersecurity Consultant in 2023
What does an IT security consultant do? And how do you become one? Let's dive into the skills you need, the roles, salaries, and careers.
Cybersecurity Engineering
AI and Cybersecurity
The combination of AI and Cybersecurity will undoubtedly provide countless opportunities for both good and bad actors.
Alumni Stories
Usman Sikander: Mechanical Engineer to Cybersecurity Analyst
“I am most proud of the growth and progress I have achieved. Each milestone is a testament to my dedication and passion for Cybersecurity.”
Alumni Stories
Roger Brown: Amazon Career Choice 2021
Roger Brown joined the Amazon Career Choice program in 2021. Fast-forward a few years and he's now thriving in Cybersecurity.
Alumni Stories
Anthony Ofoegbu: Amazon Career Choice 2021
Anthony Ofoegbu, a Nigerian immigrant, took advantage of Amazon's Career Choice program to kickstart a career in Cybersecurity.
Cybersecurity Engineering
Why Cybersecurity Certifications Matter: A Look at the CompTIA Security+ Certification
If you're changing careers into Cybersecurity, you may want to earn the CompTIA Security+ Certification. Here's why it's valuable to have.
Alumni Stories
Igor Vlasenko: Air Traffic Control to Cybersecurity
“My favorite part of Flatiron School was the exposure to professional and social events. The community was welcoming, willing to help, and full of valuable resources.”
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