Career Advice

Career Advice
Ace Interview Prep With AI
Power your interview prep with AI! Here's a guide to using the newest innovations in chat assistant tools like ChatGPT for interview prep.

Career Advice
Navigating The Informational Interview
Navigating an informational interview can be intimidating the first time a new grad does it. Here are our tips for success before, during, and after.

Career Advice
Tech Verticals For New Grads
For new grads, identifying a specific tech vertical to target is key to landing in a job that's a good fit. Here are 5 tech verticals to consider from Career Coach Dyana King.

Career Advice
5 Ideas to Market Yourself as a Job Seeker
Standing out from the crowd is hard to achieve in a job search. Here are 5 ideas from Career Coach Noreen Walczak to market yourself and cut through the noise.

Career Advice
Re-Entering the Workforce After a Career Break
Re-entering the workforce after an extended career break can be scary, but with Career Coach Andrea Towe's tips, you'll be back in a new job in no time!

Career Advice
How to Rebound from Rejections During the Job Search
Learning how to rebound from rejections during the job search is key to staying motivated and moving forward. Here are Career Coach Julie Allen's tips for bouncing back.

Alumni Stories
Alisha Murray: Fashion To Product Design
“Working as a product designer has been so fulfilling. I have found the career that fulfills parts of me that I wasn't using in retail.”
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