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Student Projects at The Flatiron School Science Fair

Posted by Flatiron School on December 11, 2014

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Huge thanks to everyone who came out (in a snow storm!) to this semester’s Science Fair. In spite of the weather, our Web and iOS students demoed their apps for representatives from over 150 companies. All together, students presented more than 100 apps they built over the course of the last 12 weeks. If you weren’t able to make it, here’s a sample of what you missed.


Built by Jarret, Nate, and Fabio. Re.note is a Rails app that allows users to bookmark important sections of a video lecture and take personal notes at the same time.

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Built by Sofia Ma, Blake DeBoer, and Brianne King. Hood2Hood uses the Foursquare API to compare neighborhoods and find similar neighborhoods between two cities.

Blog post image: tumblr_inline_ngftq9TVkQ1rtan47.png


Built by Cassie, Robyn, and Thinh. Saikou is a Rails app that visualizes the top songs in various countries throughout history.

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Darkroom Photography

Built by Cathy Chen. Darkroom Photography is a quick way to capture, edit, and share photographs. Coming soon to the App Store.

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Thanks again to everyone who made last night really special. Want to hire, sponsor, or mentor one of our students? Get in touch.

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