Flatiron School Blog

Alumni Stories
How One Alum Made the Leap From Teaching to Software Engineering
At Flatiron School, our success is our students’ success — when students get jobs, we achieve our mission of enabling the pursuit of a better life through education. But, students’ stories don’t end after they graduate. In this series, we chat with Flatiron School’s alumni community about their journey into coding, and how that journey […]

Flatiron School’s Data Science Immersive Arrives in Houston
It’s not rocket science, it’s data science. Flatiron School is proud to announce the arrival of our pioneering Data Science Immersive at our Houston campus. Data Science is one of the fastest growing fields in tech and we’re excited to help train the next generation of data scientists, machine learning engineers, data analysts, and so […]

Tech Trends
The Average Starting Salaries for Software Engineers in the Western US
Software engineers are in demand across the Western United States. Major tech hubs like San Francisco and Seattle are leading the way, but there are developing cities like Denver that need front end and back end developers. With the majority of western states surpassing the projected 15% tech employment growth from 2016 to 2026, there […]

Flatiron School
The 10 Scariest Things About Learning to Code — and Why They’re Not Scary at All
Learning something new can be scary. There’s often that voice inside your head telling you that you’re not good enough, or worse yet, that you're going to fail. Often with something like code, that voice can be even louder than usual.We’re here to tell you that having that doubt is normal. While everyone experiences that […]

Career Advice
What Comes After a Coding Bootcamp?
Head Online Instructor, Peter Bell At Flatiron School, we are dedicated to helping our students launch a career, not just land a job. But prospective coding bootcamp students are curious: What comes after the bootcamp? And after that first post-bootcamp job as a developer? Are bootcamp grads equipped to continue learning new languages? To go […]

Flatiron School
The Average Starting Salaries for Software Engineers in the Northeast US
There are many reasons why you should consider a software engineering career. First, it’s an exciting career in tech: you’re always learning and working with new skills. You’re also shaping the digital world, which is always growing. Also, It’s a smart move for the future, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projecting 15% tech employment […]
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