Flatiron School Blog
Career Advice
What Certifications Do You Need for Cybersecurity?
Picking the correct cyber security certification is critical to achieving your goals. In this article, we’ll break down the top certifications and their prerequisites.
Career Advice
The 25 Best Tech Companies in San Francisco to Work for – A Flatiron School Guide
The Bay Area is the largest tech hub in the world. We list the top job openings, companies, and benefits for San Francisco's top tech companies.
Career Advice
The 25 Best Tech Companies in Chicago to Work for
Chicago technology startups are growing and cool companies in chicago are hiring — here are the top companies to work for in Chicago.
Our commitment to safety on Flatiron School campus locations
Check here for Flatiron School campus updates regarding COVID-19 guidelines.
Data Science
10 Best Data Science Programming Languages
JavaScript, Python, C/C++ — what data science programming language should you learn if you want to become a data scientist in 2021?
Career Advice
The 30 Best Tech Companies in Seattle to Work for in 2021 — A Flatiron School Guide
We look at the best salaries, perks, and job opeings across the Seattle, Washington tech industry — and which companies you should try to work at.
Cybersecurity Engineering
What is a Cybersecurity Analyst? Everything to Know
The roles, responsibilities, and salaries of the fastest-growing jobs in the world — cybersecurity and information technology analysts.
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