Flatiron School Blog

Staff / Coach Features
Greg Damico: From Academica To Tech
Greg Damico, Technical Faculty Manager at Flatiron School, spent more than 2 decades in academia before pivoting into tech in search of more stable career prospects.

Alumni Stories
Carla Stickler: From Broadway Star To Software Engineer
"I love my job and couldn’t be more grateful for the life that attending Flatiron and learning to code has provided for me.”

Career Advice
Should You Try A Bootcamp?
For learners that wish to acquire new tech skills, there are typically two options: self-teaching the material, or an online structured course. Curriculum Designer Siana Altiise discusses the pros and cons of each avenue in this article, and why a middle-of-the-road path may be the ideal avenue to take.

Staff / Coach Features
Jesse Pisel: From Geology Professor To Data Science Curriculum Manager
Jesse Pisel accumulated a bachelor's, a Ph.D., and 15+ years as a geologist in academia before pivoting into tech for a faster-paced work environment.

Career Advice
How To Prepare for a Software Engineering Technical Interview
How you perform in a technical interview can make or break a job offer, so it's absolutely critical to prepare. Here's career coach Bill Souders on six things to prepare for if you want to ace your next technical interview.

Alumni Stories
Seth Blanchard: From Social Worker To Software Engineer
After spending 15 years as a social worker, the pandemic motivated Seth Blanchard to try something he'd always wanted to at Flatiron School - software engineering. Since graduating from the program, Seth is working as an Associate Customer Solutions Engineer.

Career Advice
So, You’re Ready for a Change?
The thought of beginning a career change can be incredibly overwhelming, leaving some stuck in the research phase for years. Here are 6 tips for taking action and moving forward when you are ready for a change.
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