Career Advice

From Stuck To Unstoppable: How To Stay Inspired During A Long Job Search

Learning how to stay inspired during a long job search is key to maintaining motivation and ultimately landing an opportunity.

How Upskilling and Reskilling Saves Your Company Money

Technological advancements are reducing labor costs and getting more done in less time. But now many businesses need fewer employees. Upskill and reskill obsolete employees to retain key workers and maintain a future-ready org.
Career Advice

How To Get The Most Out Of Student Advising

The Flatiron School Student Advising team is here to support our students through all of the ups and downs that come with pursuing a bootcamp.
Image of Eric Saber
Alumni Stories

Eric Saber: Professional Organizer to Product Designer

“If you have the right mindset, a good eye, and a strong desire to learn, you can make your design dreams come true. I pinch myself every day that I get to do this for a living!”
Career Advice

Ace Interview Prep With AI

Power your interview prep with AI! Here's a guide to using the newest innovations in chat assistant tools like ChatGPT for interview prep.
Alumni Stories

Naftali Kulik: Rabbi to Software Engineer

Naftali Kulik, a married father of two, always knew that being a Rabbi wasn't his long-term plan. A coding bootcamp later, he's now thriving as a Software Engineer in tech.