Flatiron School Blog
Flatiron School
How to Get the Most Out of Flatiron School: Tips from an Instructor
I left my job in healthcare communications to attend Flatiron School’s Web Developer Program in November 2015. I was excited to learn a new skill but also nervous about switching careers and unsure about how well I’d be able to manage a heavy workload.At the end of a whirlwind three months, I decided to stay at […]
Flatiron School
5 Reasons Why Every Digital Marketer Should Learn To Code
5 Reasons Why Every Digital Marketer Should Learn To Code
Flatiron School
Summer Skill-up: Take the Plunge and Level Up Your Tech Skills
No matter where you live, everything seems to move just a bit slower in the summer. So while everyone else is taking summer Fridays and spending the weekend poolside, why not use this time to sharpen your skills and upgrade in your career?If you’ve ever considered getting into tech by learning to code, or deepening […]
Flatiron School
JavaScript Saved the Internet (and So Can You)
With the rapid pace of technological change, it’s easy to forget how different certain products and technologies were just a few years ago: before our impossibly thin laptops, we had bulky workstations; we’ve traded in our flip-phones for iPhones, which put a powerful computer, camera—and augmented reality game device—in our pockets; while we used to […]
Career Advice
Comparing Coding Bootcamps: How to Find the Right Course for You
A few years ago, coding bootcamps didn’t exist. Today, there are hundreds, scattered across the world—and online—all clamoring to establish themselves as the best option for aspiring programmers. While websites like Course Report and Quora host valuable student reviews of various programs, there’s a considerable lack of resources when it comes to trustworthy bootcamp comparisons—especially […]
Flatiron School
Learning to Code FAQs: Everything You Wanted to Know
Flatiron School's co-founder and dean Avi Flombaum hosted a Quora AMA recently, answering top FAQs on Learning to Code.One of the most-read Q&As, coming in at 1.5 Million views, is: What are the best programming languages to learn today? Given that you’re asking me, I’m going to assume you’re an informed beginner–meaning you haven’t been writing code professionally […]
Flatiron School
Helping Students Get The Most Out of Flatiron School: Meet Instructor Leigh
In the next few weeks, Flatiron School instructor Leigh Scherrer is going to be contributing stories to our blog. Before then, we wanted to take a moment to chat with her about her path from healthcare communications to coding, how she decided to become an instructor here at Flatiron School, and why she’s excited to start blogging […]
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