Flatiron School Blog

Flatiron School
Announcing Women Take Tech in Partnership with Birchbox
Since opening our doors in 2012, an important part of Flatiron School’s mission has been increasing access to coding education for women. Today, we take a greater stride toward gender equality in tech by launching our Women Take Tech initiative in partnership with female-founded beauty subscription pioneer Birchbox. Through Women Take Tech, we’re dedicating over […]

Flatiron School
Learn.co Profile Pages Get Some TLC
At Flatiron School, we believe that people learn better when they learn together. On the product team, we’ve been hard at work making sure that our online students are able to benefit from collaborative learning the way the students in our in-person immersive classes do. Over the past quarter we’ve introduced Learn chat lobbies and […]

Flatiron School
How to Get a Programming Job in a City with No Bootcamps
After studying and teaching math for years in Fargo, ND, Kailee Gray knew she was ready for a career change. She had been interested in programming since 2006 and had minored in Computer Science, but had never pursued it professionally. After reacquainting herself with code through Girl Develop It and Free Code Camp, Kailee decided […]
Flatiron School
FYI, You’re Not a Fraud: Tips on Imposter Syndrome for Women in Tech
Last weekend, we had the pleasure of hosting a Women in Tech breakfast here on Flatiron School’s campus. Female members of the tech community converged at Flatiron to network with other driven women in tech and discuss issues facing them. We were thrilled to present (http:// saywerk.com) Co-Founder and Co-CEO Anna Auerbach, who gave a […]

Flatiron School
Announcing Flatiron School’s Community-Powered Bootcamp
Want to learn code, but can’t afford to attend a bootcamp? Tired of charting your own path through a maze of web-based programming resources? Learning online… but lonely? Below, Flatiron School co-founders Adam Enbar and Avi Flombaum announce a brand new Flatiron School program built for you. When we started Flatiron School back in […]

Software Engineering
Quiz: What Kind of Coding Program is Right for You?
There are so many ways to learn to code these days, from coding bootcamps like Flatiron School to online courses to totally free beginner resources. The best way to learn to code depends on many factors, but the most important one is you—your goals, your learning style, your life situation. For newer programmers, it can be […]

Flatiron School
How Much Do Your Favorite Artists Earn on Spotify?
Hoping to shed light on Spotify’s somewhat mysterious artist payment system, Lucas Moore created $$$potify as a Portfolio Project in Flatiron School’s Online Web Developer Program. Utilizing a Rails back-end and Angular front-end and pulling data from the Spotify and Last.fm APIs, the app estimates artist earnings based on their playcounts—you can even log in […]
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