Flatiron School Blog

Flatiron School
The Women Behind Learn.co
On International Women’s Day, we want to highlight the female makers who help build Learn.co. Across Learn.co, from instruction and technical support to product and engineering, women play a critical role on the platform – by infusing their ideas and hard work into each feature, by mentoring and helping students, and by providing unique perspectives […]

Flatiron School
How Object-Oriented Design Saved Our CSS (and Site Performance) – Part 2
Welcome to our Flatiron Engineering blog series. In this series, the engineering team behind Flatiron’s learning platform pull back the curtain and share insights into how we build our products. A few days ago, I walked you through the first steps Flatiron School's engineering team went through to overhaul the CSS in our Learn.co codebase. We covered how […]

Flatiron School
How Object-Oriented Design Saved Our CSS (and Site Performance) – Part 1
Welcome to our Flatiron Engineering blog series. In this series, the engineering team behind Flatiron's learning platform will pull back the curtain and share insights into how we build our products. Back in January 2016, our CSS was easily the messiest part of the Learn.co codebase… something that probably sounds familiar to many other web developers out there. […]

Alumni Stories
Beyond the Bootcamp: Steven Brooks, StreetEasy
Now, he’s the Engineering Manager for StreetEasy, one of Zillow’s New York City real estate brands.

Alumni Stories
Beyond the Bootcamp: Sam Owens, Bounce Exchange
In our Beyond the Bootcamp series, we chat with members of our alumni community about their post-Flatiron career journeys. What new roles have they taken on? What advice do they have for others hoping to follow in their footsteps? Sam Owens came to Flatiron School after a stint as a product manager in the fitness […]

Career Advice
What does CKM Advisors look for in Developers?
Since 2012, Flatiron School has worked with a lot of hungry software engineering students – and almost as many companies who come to Flatiron to hire technical talent. In our Career Advice series, companies pull back the curtain and demystify their hiring practices. Today, we share our conversation with Eric Chung, Director at CKM Advisors. Read […]

Flatiron School
Relaunching Flatiron School’s NYC Software Engineering Immersive
It’s a coding bootcamp’s job to prepare students to keep pace with a rapidly-changing tech world. To match the market, we’ve constantly iterated on our curriculum and pushed the limits of what’s possible in the 12-week bootcamp model Flatiron School created in 2012. As we approached 2017, we challenged ourselves to go a step further […]
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