Flatiron School Blog

Flatiron School
Flatiron School Announces Online Data Science Bootcamp
Just two months after launching the Immersive Data Science Bootcamp at our flagship NYC campus, we’re proud to announce our Online Data Science Bootcamp. We previously discussed why data scientist is the hottest job in America and look forward to helping students start their journey into this exciting field.The Online Data Science Bootcamp follows the […]

Flatiron School
Flatiron School At London Tech Week
Tech and innovation leaders from around the world will be gathering at London Tech Week from 11 June to 17 June. Flatiron School is proud to partner with London’s largest crowdsourced tech festival and we’re hosting two exciting events during London Tech Week. We hope you can make it. Take the quiz: What Coding Course […]

Flatiron School
Dynamic SSL Proxy for Jupyter Notebook
We are creating docker containers for students to run a Jupyter Notebook and then embedding that notebook on Learn.co in an iframe. Because Learn.co is using SSL, the connection with the Jupyter Notebook must use SSL as well otherwise… This is happening because when the user's page loads, it makes a request to connect to […]

Flatiron School
5 Ways to Improve the Way You Code
With anything in life there is always room to grow and improve. Programming is no different! Below are some simple 5 ways improve yourself as a coder. 1.) Don’t Just Read – Do! Reading through a section and thinking you understand the concepts is entirely different than implementing the code. When it comes to actually […]

Flatiron School
A New Facebook and Flatiron School Scholarship Will Award Full Tuition to Boost Tech Diversity
After we heard the feedback on our Facebook collaboration for the Houston Community Boost Scholarship, which awards the first Houston cohort of our Software Engineering Immersive with full-tuition scholarships, we knew we had to continue our collaboration.So in our effort to make coding education accessible to everyone, we've partnered with Facebook on an entirely new […]

Flatiron School
Flatiron School is Releasing Two New Data Science Courses
Two weeks after the launch of the Immersive Data Science bootcamp at our flagship Manhattan campus, we’re proud to announce two more data science courses.
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