Staff / Coach Features

Diversity In Tech
Pride in Tech 2023 Panel Discussion
Join us for Flatiron School's Pride In Tech 2023 Panel Discussion on a screen near you Wednesday, June 28th at 1pm EST.

Staff / Coach Features
Teacher Appreciation Week 2023
This Teacher Appreciation Week we are celebrating the Flatiron School team members who help deliver our student's immersive programs.

Staff / Coach Features
Greg Damico: From Academica To Tech
Greg Damico, Technical Faculty Manager at Flatiron School, spent more than 2 decades in academia before pivoting into tech in search of more stable career prospects.

Staff / Coach Features
Jesse Pisel: From Geology Professor To Data Science Curriculum Manager
Jesse Pisel accumulated a bachelor's, a Ph.D., and 15+ years as a geologist in academia before pivoting into tech for a faster-paced work environment.

Staff / Coach Features
Bani Phul-Anand: From Beauty To Product Design
Bani Phul-Anand, a Lead Instructor of Product Design at Flatiron School, has more than 12 years of experience in Product Design. She began her career in luxury beauty and fashion, but a pivot into tech eventually led her to a career in Product Design.

Staff / Coach Features
Jeffrey Hinkle: From Chef to Data Science Curriculum Writer
Jeffrey Hinkle, a Junior Curriculum Writer for Data Science, spent more than two decades in the restaurant industry as a chef before pivoting into tech.

UX / UI Product Design
Meet The Creators Of Our UX / UI Product Design Curriculum
Flatiron School’s UX / UI Product Design curriculum is created and taught by Product Designers with years of real-world industry experience: Dr. Delminquoe Cunningham, Bani Phul-Anand, Anwar Montasir, and Siana Altiise.
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