Software Engineering

Software Engineering
10 Common Myths About Learning to Code
Wait 30 minutes to swim after eating. Twinkies can survive a nuclear blast. Bulls hate the color red. You need to be a math whiz to be a computer programmer. These are all myths. Even though they’ve long been debunked, we still hear them way too often.A programming career can be incredibly rewarding, so don’t […]

Software Engineering
15 Free Coding Classes in NYC
New York City has a thriving tech community. With so much tech talent there are plenty of free coding classes in NYC. Here are 15 free places to learn to code in NYC.

Software Engineering
20 Reasons You Tell Yourself It’s Not Time to Learn to Code, and Why They’re Not True
A new year, a new chance to get something done. There are so many reasons why you didn’t learn to code in 2018 — and we get that. It happens! Life comes at you fast, after all. Your ambition early in the year can slowly fade as new priorities need your undivided attention. But, it’s […]

Software Engineering
Avi Flombaum and Karlie Kloss Share Advice on Learning To Code
We’re excited to participate in the CS Ed Week to raise awareness about the power of code and computer science. There are so many great reasons to learn code and we’re not the only ones who feel that way. Karlie Kloss understands the transformative power of code through her own learning experience and through her […]

Software Engineering
4 Places to Learn How to Code for Free in Denver
Denver is no stranger to the burgeoning tech market. Bolstered by mainstays like Arrow Electronics, Google, Vantiv, and VMware, Denver’s tech growth was among the top 10 in the country last year, according to Forbes. And in the past five years, as found by a Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation study, the city’s tech employments […]

Alumni Stories
How One Flatiron Grad Went From Lawyer to Coder Helping to Fight Climate Change
At Flatiron School, our success is our students’ success — when students get jobs, we’ve done our job. But, students’ stories don’t end after they graduate. In this series, we chat with members of Flatiron School’s alumni community about their journey into code, and how that journey transformed their life. Remmy C., one of Flatiron […]

How to Ace a Coding Bootcamp Technical Interview
Updated 6/2/21: Flatiron School no longer requires a technical interview. Instead, students will take a 15-minute admissions assessment. Read this article about how to pass the assessment. No matter how much you prepare on your own, demonstrating your technical proficiency can be one of the most daunting parts of applying for a coding bootcamp — […]
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