Do I need to be an artist or coder to study UX / UI Product Design?
Career Advice

Do I need to be an artist or a coder to study UX / UI Product Design?

The short answer is, NO! You do not need to be an artist or a coder to study UX, UI, or Product Design. 
Data Science

Best Data Science Books for Beginners

One of the best ways to start learning data science and its subgroups is with a book. Check out our recommendations here.
UX / UI Product Design Common Mistakes
UX / UI Product Design

Common Mistakes As A New UX / UI Product Designer

As a product Designer there are common mistakes to avoid. Flatiron School looks at the most common mistakes that slow down productivity in design.

Low Risk, High Reward: Why Colleges & Universities Partner with Flatiron School

An increasing number of colleges and universities are partnering with tech bootcamps to meet student desires for short-term programs.
Day in the life of a full-time UX / UI Product Design student
UX / UI Product Design

Day In The Life Of A Full-Time Product Design Student

Community sparks creativity! Flatiron School’s Product Design course is not just lectures and individual work.
UX / UI Digital Product Design
UX / UI Product Design

UI vs. UX vs. Product Design: What’s The Difference?

What is UI design? Is it the same as UX design? How about Product Design - how does that fit in relation to UI and UX?