Milena Afeworki
Alumni Stories

Milena Afeworki: Civil Engineering to Data Science

“Expect a learning curve where immediate progress might not be apparent. But keep persisting, and once those skills take root, you’ll be amazed by how far you’ve come.”
Hannah Kofkin
Alumni Stories

Hannah Kofkin: Design to Software Engineering

"It was scary and difficult to leave a steady job, especially during covid, but I worked hard and it was all worth it in the end!”
how to get into cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Engineering

How to Get into Cybersecurity in 2023

Wondering how to get into Cybersecurity? No matter where you’re starting from, there is a path for you into the industry. 
students enrolled in a cybersecurity bootcamp
Cybersecurity Engineering

Are Cybersecurity Bootcamps Worth It In 2024?

Deciding whether or not a cybersecurity bootcamp is worth it comes down to your individual reasons for attending and professional goals.
Alumni Stories

Tony Khawaja-Lopez: MMA Coach to Cybersecurity

“My life simply wouldn't be the same without changing careers. My wife and I are living well because of my career switch.”
Software Engineer working at computer
Software Engineering

Software Engineer Salary by Company in 2023

Wondering how much software engineers earn? Here are the average software engineer salaries at 23 top top companies.