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Flatiron School Announces Partnership with Bletchley Institute

Flatiron School is thrilled to announce a partnership with the Bletchley Institute, an organization dedicated to creating the premier community for technologists and creatives.

FDM: Driving Diversity Around the World

FDM is a global consultancy that has powered the people behind tech for over 30 years. Now, they're partnering with Flatiron School.
Diversity In Tech

Neurodiversity: A Hidden Asset in the Tech Industry

Neurodivergency is fairly common, with an estimated 15-20% of the population considered to be divergent. These individuals thrive in tech, and could be the industry's secret superpower.
Alumni Stories

Juliet Day: Law to Data Science

“I’ve been here for over a year and I still love it and find it exciting every day. In some ways, it’s the law career I never had.”

Cognixia: JUMP-Starting Diversity In Tech

In partnership with Flatiron School’s Lovelace and Ford fellowships, Cognixia is committed to building a more diverse tech industry - one jump at a time. 

Flatiron School Relaunches Lovelace and Ford Fellowships

We're thrilled to announce the relaunching of our fellowships to celebrate and empower underrepresented individuals in tech.
Tech Trends

What Does a Cybersecurity Engineer Do?

Thinking about a career in cybersecurity? Here's everything you need to know about what a cybersecurity engineer does.
Tech Trends

How To Become A Cybersecurity Engineer in 2024

The growing demand for cybersecurity specialists has made it one of the most popular jobs in tech. Learn what this profession entails and how to start a new career as a cyber security engineer.
Alumni Stories

Logan Miller: Technical Consulting to Software Engineer

“I'm loving Software Engineering. It's awesome to be working with something that you enjoy and solving problems that no one else can."
Alumni Stories

Jasmine Huang: Business to Data Science

“I love my job as an Actuarial Data Analyst, it’s exactly what I dreamed of.”