Alumni Stories
Victoria LeBel: Registered Nurse to Software Engineer
Victoria LeBel spent 4 years as a nurse before making the decision to pivot into tech in search of a more creative career path.

Career Advice
Switching Careers With Your Current Employer
For career changers, its often expected that you'll have to switch employers. But, according to Career Coach Andrea Towe, a change is closer than you may think - even at your current employer.

Diversity In Tech
Black History Month | POC in Tech: Five Graduate’s Stories
For POC in tech, it can often feel like they don't belong. These five grad's stories prove otherwise, that yes - POC do belong in tech.

Career Advice
7 Reasons To Consider Temporary Work Opportunities
Temporary work opportunities can be a great first step toward full-time employment. Here are 7 reasons to consider it from Career Coach Andrea Towe.

Software Engineering
Python Popularity: The Rise of A Global Programming Language
Since its release in the early 90s, Python's popularity has skyrocketed, eclipsing all other programming languages. Here's its origin story and why it should be top of the list to learn.

Why Financial Services Should Invest In Their Employees
For Financial Service companies, investing in employee training is critical. Here's why it's necessary and how to get it right.