Alumni Stories

Rocket Software: Building a community of innovation

Rocket Software is on the hunt for Software Engineers and tech talent across many disciplines. The company hired three Flatiron School graduates in 2022, and their new hires have a lot to say about working there.
UX / UI Product Design

Learning How to Learn

For some Flatiron School students, the shift to online learning can be difficult. Curriculum Designer Siana Altiise has tips for new students on how to excel in their program, beginning with learning how to learn.

Insider Guide: Flatiron School’s Admissions Assessment

The admissions process for Flatiron School includes an assessment test. Here's insider tips on how to pass the admissions assessment.

Amazon Career Choice X Flatiron School Partnership

Amazon’s Career Choice program empowers its employees by providing them access to the education and training needed to grow their careers at Amazon and beyond. The company partnered with Flatiron School to develop educational programs in Cybersecurity and Software Engineering.

How Retailers Prepare For The Holiday Season

With the holidays right around the corner, retailers are preparing for a busy shopping season. Here are three challenges retailers should be prepared to tackle this shopping season.
Holiday Season Shopping
Tech Trends

The Holiday Season: Brought To You By Tech Workers

The holiday shopping season is quickly approaching, and retailers are ramping up operations in preparation for the biggest retail events of the year. With sales shifting to online, retailers need to evolve their digital storefronts to keep up with modern shopping trends.