Amelia Freeman
Alumni Stories

Amelia Freeman: From History Major to Software Engineer

"The days were long, and the work was challenging but I just continued to work and work. In the end, I felt very accomplished."
System Design Interview Overview for Software Engineers
Career Advice

System Design Interview Overview for Software Engineers

System design interviews are open-ended and test different skills than coding-based interviews. This post will clarify the interview process and give you guidelines to start preparing for one today.
Andrew Smit
Alumni Stories

Andrew Smit: Band Director to Software Engineer

"You have to trust the process. A little bit every day goes a long way, and before you know it, those little instances add up to something big." 
Katie Behrmann
Alumni Stories

Katie Behrmann: Educator to Engineer

“I was always excited at the end of my work day to solve coding challenges, build with code, and get creative.”
Demystifying AI and ML
Artificial Intelligence

Demystifying AI and ML: An Intro for Bootcamp Grads

Software engineers don’t just use AI chatbots in their work. Here’s an overview of how AI is incorporated into software engineering along with free resources to get you started.
Alumni Stories

Logan Miller: Technical Consulting to Software Engineer

“I'm loving Software Engineering. It's awesome to be working with something that you enjoy and solving problems that no one else can."