Career Change

Alumni Stories
Troy Hendrickson: From Sales to Stats Auditor for the NBA
"I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed the learning process, Flatiron's values aligned perfectly with mine."

Career Advice
The Best-Paying Cybersecurity Careers in 2024
There are many cybersecurity career paths you can take. Here are our top picks for 2024 (and beyond) based on career growth and compensation.

Alumni Stories
Logan Miller: Technical Consulting to Software Engineer
“I'm loving Software Engineering. It's awesome to be working with something that you enjoy and solving problems that no one else can."

Alumni Stories
Hannah Kofkin: Design to Software Engineering
"It was scary and difficult to leave a steady job, especially during covid, but I worked hard and it was all worth it in the end!”

Alumni Stories
Qingsong Chen: Biology to Cybersecurity
“My favorite part of the program was the hands-on labs. Only by getting your hands dirty can truly understand what you have learned.”

Alumni Stories
Terry Threatt: Event Management to Software Engineering
“Flatiron School offered exactly what I needed to streamline my learning and prepare me for the ever-evolving tech world.”

Cybersecurity Engineering
Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023
For the 20th Cybersecurity Awareness Month we’re featuring 5 recent Cybersecurity grads and their reasons for pursuing a career in the field.
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