Career Change
![Image of Wendolyne Barrios](
Alumni Stories
Wendolyne Barrios: Food Industry to Freelance Designer
Wendolyne Barrios spent a decade in food service before pivoting to UX / UI Product Design. Six months out from graduation, she's opened her own design agency.
![Maxwell Wolfe](
Alumni Stories
Maxwell Wolfe: DJ to Cybersecurity
“I appreciated the collaborative environment of the program, where we were encouraged to work in teams, brainstorm, and devise solutions for our projects.”
![Travon Bryant feature](
Alumni Stories
Travon Bryant: Amazon Career Choice 2022
“SIEM was my favorite part of the program. It amazed me how the information could give us so much insight.”
![What Does a Web Developer Do](
Career Advice
What Does a Web Developer Do?
Web development is more than just coding fancy graphics. Discover the different roles behind the scenes, from crafting user-friendly applications to building the brains of the operation.
![Cybersecurity Career Change](
Career Advice
Why a Cybersecurity Career Change Might be the Perfect Move
Cybersecurity is an evolving industry with evolving threats. A diverse body of employees in the field is crucial to identifying and tackling threats posed to a global digital infrastructure.
![A Career Coach in Your Corner](
Career Advice
A Career Coach in Your Corner
Flatiron graduates have a Career Services career coach in their corner for a full six months after graduation. Read on to learn about the many other benefits that Flatiron offers its students once they graduate.
![Troy Hendrickson](
Alumni Stories
Troy Hendrickson: From Sales to Stats Auditor for the NBA
"I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed the learning process, Flatiron's values aligned perfectly with mine."
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