Career Advice

Career Advice
Should You Try A Bootcamp?
For learners that wish to acquire new tech skills, there are typically two options: self-teaching the material, or an online structured course. Curriculum Designer Siana Altiise discusses the pros and cons of each avenue in this article, and why a middle-of-the-road path may be the ideal avenue to take.

Career Advice
How To Prepare for a Software Engineering Technical Interview
How you perform in a technical interview can make or break a job offer, so it's absolutely critical to prepare. Here's career coach Bill Souders on six things to prepare for if you want to ace your next technical interview.

Career Advice
So, You’re Ready for a Change?
The thought of beginning a career change can be incredibly overwhelming, leaving some stuck in the research phase for years. Here are 6 tips for taking action and moving forward when you are ready for a change.

Career Advice
How to Make the Most of a Mock Interview
A mock interview is a chance to practice your interviewing skills in a low-stakes environment. Here are 7 tips from Career Coach Andrea Towe for making the most of them so that when you're headed into the real deal, you'll be ready.

Career Advice
Passive Job Searching On LinkedIn
Passive job searching on LinkedIn brings opportunities to you. Here's Career Coach Kimberly McPoyle on how to use the platform in a way that increase the chances of a recruiter or hiring manager coming to you with an opportunity.

Career Advice
The Hidden Job Market
The “hidden job market” usually refers to jobs that — for one reason or another — are not publicly listed on job boards or elsewhere, and yet make up almost 70% of opportunities. Career Coach Bill Souders gives his tips on how to tap this market in your own job search.

Career Advice
How to Choose Your Next Employer
For new graduates wondering how to choose an employer, Career Coach Andrea Towe recommends 6 steps - starting with introspection to identify your interests. That way, she says, you'll have a better chance of finding the right job for you.
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