Career Advice

Career Advice
Learning Mathematics and Statistics for Data Science
Data Science is a rapidly growing field, but as prospective students consider data science, they often have trepidation about the mathematics and statistics involved. Learn why we need mathematics for data science.

Career Advice
What to Know About the Cybersecurity Analyst Career Field
Discover how to embark on an exciting career as a cybersecurity analyst and unlock the secrets to protecting companies of the future.

Tech Trends
What Does a Cybersecurity Engineer Do?
Thinking about a career in cybersecurity? Here's everything you need to know about what a cybersecurity engineer does.

Cybersecurity Engineering
How to Get into Cybersecurity in 2023
Wondering how to get into Cybersecurity? No matter where you’re starting from, there is a path for you into the industry.

Career Advice
Apple Cider Sips and Slip-Ups: It’s Okay to Make Mistakes
One thing that can be hard for new grads to learn - it's okay to make mistakes! Here's three steps to accepting that making mistakes is okay.

Career Advice
What To Do If You Hate Your Job
There's nothing worse than landing a job after a long search, just to realize you're not happy. Here's what to do if you hate your job.

Career Advice
The Art of Debugging
Debugging code is often more of an art than anything. Technical Coach Joe Miius explains how to debug and get your code working correctly.
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