Career Advice

Career Advice
A Career Coach in Your Corner
Flatiron graduates have a Career Services career coach in their corner for a full six months after graduation. Read on to learn about the many other benefits that Flatiron offers its students once they graduate.

Tech Trends
The Building Blocks of Code: Understanding Programming Variables, Data Types, and Operators
Learn some of the foundational building blocks of programming languages so you can start learning to code in any language.

Career Advice
How to Continue Learning After Graduating from a Software Engineering Bootcamp
Are you thinking about how to learn in an unstructured environment, post-bootcamp graduation? This post will offer tips and strategies for how to succeed in moving your new career forward.

Alumni Stories
Life After Graduation From a Product Design Bootcamp
Have you ever wondered what it takes to land your first design industry job after graduation from a product design bootcamp? We asked five Flatiron School grads to share their experiences and advice.

Career Advice
GitHub Profile and Git Practices for Job Seekers
Stand out in your job search and interviews with a unique GitHub profile and industry-standard commit practices.

Career Advice
System Design Interview Overview for Software Engineers
System design interviews are open-ended and test different skills than coding-based interviews. This post will clarify the interview process and give you guidelines to start preparing for one today.

Career Advice
How to Become a GRC Analyst
Learn how you can protect companies (without needing strong technical skills) in an exciting career as a Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) Analyst.
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