Flatiron School Blog

Alumni Stories
This Alum Challenged Himself to Grow and Now Teaches Others to do the Same
Before Flatiron School, Alex had experience with firmware — the permanent software installed onto a chip that controls the hardware — but didn’t have web development experience.

Alumni Stories
From Fleeing Venezuela to Junior Full-Stack Developer
Life in Venezuela had become difficult for Andres and his family. Andres found himself struggling to make ends meet and unable to earn a livable wage

Alumni Stories
How This Alum Found A ‘Life-changing’ Education at Flatiron School
At Flatiron School, our success is our students’ success — when students get jobs, we achieve our mission of enabling the pursuit of a better life through education. But, students’ stories don’t end after they graduate. In this series, we chat with Flatiron School’s alumni community about their journey into coding, and how that journey transformed […]
Flatiron School
Announcing the 2018 On-Campus Outcomes Report
Flatiron School is proud to announce our 2018 On-Campus Outcomes Report for our immersive NYC software engineering program, the immersive iOS Developer course, and a web/iOS Fellowship program. Our sixth audited report shows once again that Flatiron School graduates get jobs and go on to build lasting careers in tech. In our latest report, we had […]

Alumni Stories
How One Alum Found Meaning Through Design
Nicole discusses her journey from musician to sales to UX designer while attending Flatiron School's Chicago campus.

Alumni Stories
Artist Turned Software Engineer Finds Creativity in Code
Code can be art, just take it from Patti C., a Flatiron School Washington D.C. graduate. Before starting her coding career, she worked as an artist’s assistant for a sculptor in New York City. But, she needed a job that could pay the bills. She switched to working in retail, later found time to volunteer as an […]

Alumni Stories
Eager to Make Connections, Engineer Finds the ‘Perfect Job’ at a Dating App
It’s no surprise that Jordan Guggenheim has some strong opinions about online dating. He’s an engineering manager at OkCupid, one of the world’s most popular online dating platforms.“Actually, there’s really no such thing as online dating,” he says. “Eventually you have to meet in person.”Guggenheim, a graduate of Flatiron School’sNew York campus, sees OkCupid as […]
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