Flatiron School Blog

Data Science
Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning
Neural networks, supervised learning, reinforcement learning — what are they, and how will they impact our lives?
Career Advice
How to Become a Cybersecurity Analyst
We examine all you need to know about cybersecurity analyst skills, jobs, education, training, and potential salary.

Data Science
R Vs Python: Which One Should You Learn?
Should I learn R or Python? It's a good question. Here we give you the definitive answer based on use cases, popularity, ease of learning, and more.
Cybersecurity Engineering
The Best Programming Languages for Cybersecurity in 2021
Understanding the top cybersecurity programming languages for this year and beyond is important for either getting your next job or planning your next career move.
Career Advice
How to Become a Cyber Threat Analyst | Skills, Salaries, and Careers
Cyber Threat Intelligence Analysts are in high demand and growing. Learn what they are, the cyber skills they need, and how to start your cyber threat career.

Career Advice
16 Soft Skills You Need to Succeed in Cyber Security
There are plenty of technica skills you need in cyber security, but there are some less talked aobut that are just as important, like communication.
Career Advice
3 Tips for Nailing Your Next Cybersecurity Job Interview
Cyber security job interview questions and answers to help you land that highly coveted cyber security job.
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