Flatiron School Blog

UX / UI Product Design
Best UX / UI Product Design Books for Beginners
New to the digital product design and don’t know exactly where to start? Check out these book recommendations from Flatiron School.

Cybersecurity Engineering
What Is Penetration Testing
A ‘pen test’ (short for ‘penetration test’) is an attack on a computer system that is authorized by the system’s owner. The purpose? You find weak points before hackers do.

UX / UI Product Design
Graduate Spotlight: 4 Inspiring UX / UI Product Design Portfolios
We’ve rounded up four stunning portfolios, all created by Flatiron School’s talented Product Design graduates. Get ready to be inspired!

Flatiron School
Celebrating Our First Decade (and many more to come)
2022 is a milestone year for Flatiron School: we celebrate our 10 year anniversary. Tech has evolved significantly over the past decade, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the hardworking staff at Flatiron

Career Advice
Do I need to be an artist or a coder to study UX / UI Product Design?
The short answer is, NO! You do not need to be an artist or a coder to study UX, UI, or Product Design.

Data Science
Best Data Science Books for Beginners
One of the best ways to start learning data science and its subgroups is with a book. Check out our recommendations here.

UX / UI Product Design
Common Mistakes As A New UX / UI Product Designer
As a product Designer there are common mistakes to avoid. Flatiron School looks at the most common mistakes that slow down productivity in design.
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