Flatiron School Blog
Flatiron School
Seeing in Code
Looking at code is very new to me. Before April ‘13, the only lines of code I had ever seen probably were in the Matrix.
Flatiron School
Git Cookin’ With Git’s Octopress
The following is a guest post by Margaret Lee and originally appeared on her blog. Margaret is currently in the Ruby-003 class at The Flatiron School. You can follow her on Twitter here. This is a journey of a housewife learning to code. Over the years, I’ve become quite a creative chef trying to feed two very picky […]
Flatiron School
Javascript Basics for Your Second Programming Language
I’m learning Javascript after learning Ruby. Below are my notes
Flatiron School
Connecting Ruby & Active Record Without Rails
The following is a guest post by Daniel Friedman and originally appeared on his blog**.** Daniel is currently a student at The Flatiron School. You can follow him on Twitter here. Building Towards Rails I’ve been messing with a practice app to get better at domain modeling, TDD, and the guts of Ruby and Rails. The plan was […]
Flatiron School
Smart-Kegs: Part II
The following is a guest post by Chris Gonzales and originally appeared on his blog. Chris is currently a student at The Flatiron School. You can follow him on Twitter here__. It’s Alive!!! (Locally) KegKong lives! In Smart-Kegs Part I we left off with our flowmeter and arduino sending incomplete readings to the raspberry pi with no database persistance. I […]
Flatiron School
Building BikeWithFriends, Part One
The genesis of the app was really more an area of focus than anything specific. After completing Ashley William’s CitiBike excercise for class at The Flatiron School
Flatiron School
Digging in the Dirt
The following is a guest post by Micah Corn and originally appeared on his blog.
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