Flatiron School Blog

Flatiron School
A teacher and trombonist turned developer: Garett Arrowood
Garett Arrowood discovered Learn while at a crossroads in his life. As a freelance musician and former teacher, he’s always embraced a lifelong philosophy of learning and developing his craft. Now that he’s pursuing a career in web development, he opened up about what using Flatiron School’s online program Learn is really like, and gave some advice […]

Flatiron School
How to go from a veterinarian to a mobile developer [Q&A]
When Nadia Yudina started her career path as a veterinarian, she never envisioned the possibility of becoming a mobile developer. But after attending med school in Russia and eventually building an app to sort research data at her job, Nadia realized that learning code was something she felt passionate about.After moving to the United States, […]

Flatiron School
7 Ways to Write Honest Code
By Becca Barton In life and in code, it's best to be honest. Writing code that is clear and upfront about its intention and purpose reduces confusion and headaches for everyone involved, so let's all pledge to decrypt our code and make it a painless experience. Disclaimer: This post is mainly based off of JavaScript, […]

Flatiron School
Operation Code and Flatiron School offer $25,000 in scholarships for veterans
In honor of veterans all over the United States, Flatiron School and Operation Code are partnering to expand professional programming opportunities for those who have served. Throughout the years of teaching hundreds of people how to program, Flatiron School has had the privilege and honor of working with some of the nation’s finest veterans. We’re excited to expand our […]

Flatiron School
How to Contribute to Open Source Code: 5 Steps for Beginners
By Kate TraversWhen I first started out learning to code, the idea of contributing to an open source project was really intimidating. I got that advice from everyone — “Contribute to open source! It's so easy! Employers love it!” — but I was still hesitant. I'd only been writing Ruby for a couple months, how […]

Flatiron School
Flatiron School and Meteor offer 15 young women full scholarships
Flatiron School and Meteor believe that programming and computer science education should be accessible to everyone. That's why we're pleased to announce a partnership to offer 15 full scholarships to attend Flatiron Pre-College Academy in spring 2016! The Meteor Web Development Scholarship will cover full tuition for accepted New York City residents, valued at $1,500/person. By the end […]

Flatiron School
Avi Flombaum Presents Learn at NY Tech Meetup
There's learning programming online, and then there's using Learn. Dean and co-founder of Flatiron School Avi Flombaum gave a presentation at NY Tech Meetup to present Learn to an audience of nearly 500 people. Throughout the presentation, he outlined the components that make Learn different, and showed how it works for its everyday users. Image from mlb.mlb.com […]
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