Flatiron School Blog
Flatiron School
Encouraging More Women to Learn to Code
Encouraging More Women to Learn to Code
Flatiron School
Computer Science Degrees vs. Coding Bootcamps [webinar recap]
This week, Flatiron School was part of a webinar on Computer Science vs. Coding Bootcamps hosted by our friends at Course Report. Our VP of Education, Joe Burgess, along with the founders of other bootcamps like Hack Reactor, Startup Institute, and and Bloc tackled loaded questions like: “How are coding bootcamps different than CS Degrees?” […]
Flatiron School
From Linguistics Major to Software Developer – Jen’s Summer at Flatiron
This post originally appeared on March 23, 2015.While attending University of Michigan as a Spanish and Linguistics major, Flatiron School alum Jen Eisenberg spent a summer learning to program in our Web Development Immersive. When she returned to college for her Senior year, she had a new skillset and a new direction in her studies. […]
Flatiron School
Alan Turing: The Father of Theoretical Computer Science
This post originally appeared on October 3, 2014. The quote above is from Alan Turing’s essay, “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” (the one where he introduces the Turing Test). It might seem like an overarching statement about technology, but it’s actually about building a theoretical basis for artificial intelligence back when AI was just fantasy. As […]
Flatiron School
Samantha John: iOS, Dinosaurs, and Hopscotch, Oh My!
Here at Flatiron School, we like to keep an eye out for people who are shaping the world through programming. For all the women who are making inroads in tech, we present to you Woman Crush Wednesdays, where we pick the brains of some truly innovative trailblazers. This time around, buckle up for some stimulating thoughts […]
Software Engineering
Grace Hopper and the FLOW-MATIC
This post originally appeared on December 29, 2014. United States rear admiral, naval destroyer, mathematician, and irreverent speech-maker, Grace Hopper had a career in computer science that spanned more than sixty years and still impacts us today. Because of her contributions to programming languages, software development, and code puns, she is a staple in Flatiron […]
Flatiron School
Flatiron Alum Danny Fenjves: From Working at YouTube To Founding Upperline Code
Danny Fenjves' path to Flatiron School- and now to founding Upperline, which offers computer programming courses for high school students – is unconventional, to say the least. After teaching Middle School in New Orleans with Teach for America, building content policy at YouTube in San Francisco, and working on a film set in India, Danny […]
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