Flatiron School

How I’m Coding Through Impostor Syndrome

This post was written by Flatiron School student Rachel Bronstein and originally appeared on her blog.  Do you ever have the sneaking suspicion that you might be a fraud? That your greatest achievements might just be slick manipulation, or that you’ve just skated by to success through pure happenstance? If so, you’re not alone.  You might have a […]
Flatiron School

Three Mothers Find Work-Life Integration Through Programming

Prospective employees look for more than a great salary and room to grow when scouting potential career moves. Nowadays, people care about how their time in the office will affect their time outside it—and they’re factoring it into their career choices. This is particularly true for parents, who are juggling the needs of their family […]
Flatiron School

Want to Build a Mobile Product for the App Store? Meet iOS Instructor Jim

We interviewed Jim Campagno, iOS instructor at Flatiron School in NYC, who is helping students turn their mobile app ideas into reality. What do you teach? I’m an iOS instructor here. I help students learn Swift & Objective-C (programming languages) as well as iOS development. By the end of class, a student should have an app in […]
Flatiron School

Announcing the NYC Web Development Fellowship for Foreign-Born New Yorkers

Geraldina Alverez-Garcia, Jayana Johnson and Natacha Springer aren’t your typical programmers. None of them were coding prodigies or even have computer science degrees. Geraldina worked at odd jobs, Jayana was an administrative assistant and Natacha was a scientist who transitioned to part-time baker after becoming a mom. And yet, after completing the NYC Web Development […]
Flatiron School

The 6 Essential Elements Every Tech Portfolio Needs

Imagine you’re a hiring manager and choosing between two candidates for a junior developer role at your startup. Both applicants have similar backgrounds and skillsets. To make your decision more difficult, both performed about the same during their interviews. So, you look online and turn to their online presence or portfolio.The first candidate’s portfolio is […]
Flatiron School

Karlie Kloss Helps Change the Face of Programming for Young Women

13 percent. That’s how many female teenagers consider a STEM field as their first choicefor their future career. Luckily, many people and organizations – including the White House – are working to figure out how to get more young women excited about science, math and technology. It’s also a topic that is catching the attention of more unexpected advocates, like […]