Flatiron School Blog

Flatiron School
Flatiron Alum Tucker Bohman’s Journey from Accounting to Web Development
While working as an accountant for the LDS church, Tucker Bohman felt himself being tugged back to technology. He had always had a talent for solving technical issues, and his bosses began to rely on Tucker over their team of developers to fix their software bugs. Eager to learn more after these brushes with programming, […]

Flatiron School
Flatiron Alumna Shana Moore on Changing Careers After It’s “Too Late”
Shana Moore discovered her love for programming only after spending years pursuing a career path in government contracting and the telecommunications industry. Shana was well aware that she wasn’t passionate about the roles she held or their growth potential, but she feared it was too late for a course correction. However, after a few exciting […]

Flatiron School
Built By Flatiron Students: Final Projects from the Science Fair (Part 1)
This past week, students from Flatiron School’s Full-Stack Web Development immersive presented their final projects at our Science Fair, revealing exactly how far one can come as a developer in three months of intensive study and practice.

Flatiron School
A Step-by-Step Guide to Changing Careers from The Muse
As the manager of Muse Coach Connect, a platform that connects professionals with career coaches, I speak with people every day who are contemplating a career change. It’s a daunting process to be sure, one that can be both exciting and terrifying. How do you know if a career change is right for you? While […]

Flatiron School
3 Tips on How to Prepare for Your Technical Interview
Technical interviews can be a great opportunity to show your programming expertise. But whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, going into an interview unprepared can be a scary proposition. A first step for getting ready for this phase of your job application process is knowing what to expect in the technical interview—so last […]

Flatiron School
Five Talented Developers With Completely Unexpected Backgrounds
For every programmer who started playing with BASIC at age 14 or graduated from a prestigious university with a B.S. in Computer Science, there’s a programmer who started coding at age 35 or received a humanities degree from a liberal arts school.After all, creative people usually make excellent designers and developers. We’ve witnessed this first-hand: […]

Flatiron School
What Coding Can Teach Entrepreneurs: Three Takeaways from our Webinar
In the classroom, Avi Flombaum’s passion for programming and teaching is immediately clear—but there’s another side to Flatiron School’s Co-Founder and Dean that isn’t discussed as often: he’s an expert entrepreneur, having launched multiple startups over the years. His expertise in both coding and entrepreneurship allowed him to share a unique perspective on how the two […]
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