Flatiron School

3 (Wrong) Assumptions Keeping You Out of Tech

Tell me if this sounds familiar: You’re passionate about all things tech. You’re always the first of your friends to find out about the newest app. You spend way too much money on the latest gadget. And you’d love to work at a cool tech company. So why aren’t you? If you’re anything like me, […]
Flatiron School

An Alum Helps People Get Hamilton Tickets With His App

It’s always exciting to see the range of problems our alums take on on with their programming skills after grading from Flatiron School. Lukas Thoms is tackling a unique hardship of the moment: he’s aiding hungry theatre-goers in the near-impossible task of obtaining Hamilton tickets. After seeing (and loving) the hit hip-hop musical, Lukas immediately […]
Flatiron School

Learning Swift? Here are the Developers You Need to Follow

We often say here at Flatiron School that whether you’re learning in person or online, you should never learn alone. That’s one reason it’s an incredibly exciting time to learn Swift, Apple’s new iOS programming language. There's a huge momentum in the Swift community right now. Because it’s so new, there are so many people […]
Flatiron School

From Idea to the App Store with Swift (Social Impact)

Last week, we highlighted five student-built apps from Flatiron School’s iOS Developer Program, ranging from a music video discovery tool for Vevo users to an app that uses data from the White House to encourage users to walk more.  Today, we’re featuring two more apps from the social impact sphere, ones that hope to make […]
Flatiron School

JavaScript and Ruby: 10 Differences You Need To Know

The following is a guest post by Flatiron alumna Amanda Himmelstoss, originally posted on November 21, 2013 and updated today with new content! You can follow Amanda on Twitter here.  After beginning JavaScript last Thursday, I’ve been thinking about the differences between this language and Ruby, which I’ve gotten quite intimate with these last seven weeks […]
Flatiron School

From Idea to the App Store with Swift (Lifestyle)

Yesterday, we looked at two impressive apps—built in partnership with the White House and newly featured in the App Store—taking on health issues in inventive ways. These apps also happen to be student final projects from Flatiron School’s immersive iOS program!Today, we’ll take a close look at a few more student-built apps using the Swift […]