Flatiron School Blog

Flatiron School
10 Female Coders You Need to Know This Ada Lovelace Day
Ada Lovelace shouldn’t just be an inspiration to female programmers—she's truly an inspiration to everyone who has ever used technology. Lovelace worked closely with Charles Babbage on his mechanical general-purpose computer, The Analytical Engine, and she's widely regarded as the world’s first computer programmer—male or female.The second Tuesday of every October, the tech community celebrates Lovelace’s life […]

Flatiron School
3 Reasons to Celebrate Ada Lovelace Today
Long before the Internet, long before coding bootcamps (not to mention light bulbs, antibiotics, refrigerators, or telephones), Ada Lovelace made technological advances that still inspire us today. We always talk about Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) when we start teaching code at Flatiron School—here are three reasons why. 1. She was probably the world’s first programmer In 1833, […]

Flatiron School
5 Reasons You Should Learn Swift Now
All of us here at Flatiron School are excited about Swift. Apple’s new iOS programming language is quickly becoming the standard for iOS development among programmers new and old and companies large and small—so much so that we’ve switched the focus of our iOS Developer Program curriculum from Objective-C to Swift. If you’re getting into […]

Flatiron School
How to Build a Sinatra Web App in 10 Steps
This guest post was written by Flatiron School student Adrian Prieto. You can read about his coding journey at his blog. Take it away, Adrian! Creating a web application from scratch can be intimidating at first, but not necessarily hard. I just finished building a really cool expense-tracking web application called “Expensy,” and even though […]

Flatiron School
Music Convinced This Student to Learn How to Code
Note: Since the initial publishing of the post, Gabe has graduated and works as an instructor for Re:Coded, training Syrian refugees in Iraq as software engineers. Gabe Jackson, a student in Flatiron School’s Online Web Developer Program, is our resident Sonic Pi expert. After being taken with Flatiron Dean Avi Flombaum’s Sonic Pi demonstration coding “Shake It […]

Flatiron School
3 (Wrong) Assumptions Keeping You Out of Tech
Tell me if this sounds familiar: You’re passionate about all things tech. You’re always the first of your friends to find out about the newest app. You spend way too much money on the latest gadget. And you’d love to work at a cool tech company. So why aren’t you? If you’re anything like me, […]

Flatiron School
An Alum Helps People Get Hamilton Tickets With His App
It’s always exciting to see the range of problems our alums take on on with their programming skills after grading from Flatiron School. Lukas Thoms is tackling a unique hardship of the moment: he’s aiding hungry theatre-goers in the near-impossible task of obtaining Hamilton tickets. After seeing (and loving) the hit hip-hop musical, Lukas immediately […]
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