Flatiron School Blog

Flatiron School
7 Reasons You Shouldn’t Learn to Code Alone
I taught myself to code. I started when I was 11 years old by hacking my own computer games to make them harder and reading every programming book I could get my hands on. On my own, I pushed myself past the hard parts and nearly gave up a few times. These days, I get […]

Flatiron School
7 Hackathon Takeaways from DevFest 2016
Two weeks ago, Flatiron School hosted DevFest 2016 on our campus. Guest author BJ Cantlupe, an online Flatiron School student, is here to recap the event! (This post originally appeared on bjcantlupe.com.) This weekend I had the opportunity to attend DevFest 2016 in NYC – and participate in my very first hackathon! Even better, the […]

Flatiron School
Introducing the Friends Feature on Learn.co
After a successful Beta launch for students in our Online Web Developer Program on Learn.co, we’re incredibly excited to announce a new functionality for all courses on Learn.co: the Friends feature. As much as we’ve allowed Flatiron School students to interact with each other online via Study Groups and in-app chat features (Ask a Question, DM, & […]

Software Engineering
Why You Don’t Need Has_and_belongs_to_many Relationships
The following is a longtime favorite guest post by Flatiron alum Kevin McNamee, a software engineer at Casper. When mapping associations between models in your Rails application, you will inevitably come to a point when two models both ‘has’ and ‘belongs_to’ each other. In this situation, you need to choose between a has_many :through relationship […]

Software Engineering
4 Ways Michael Faraday Revolutionized the World
Born into one of the most rigid class systems in history, Michael Faraday was not destined to become a man of influence. Near the turn of the 19th century, he spent his childhood in a squalid London flat, with little opportunity and no formal education beyond elementary school. But a lack of pedigree didn’t prevent […]

Flatiron School
From Classics to Coding: One Alum’s Unexpected Career Switch
With a background in Classics and entertainment, Savannah Scott isn’t necessarily someone you’d expect to become a web developer. Then again, if you ask Savannah whether there are any similarities between coding and Classics, she’ll tell you, “You’d be surprised.” Savannah was kind enough to chat with us in her brief window between finishing our Online […]

Flatiron School
Boredom Getting In The Way Of Making A Coding Breakthrough?
In advance of our November 16 online lecture with Poornima Vijayashanker of Femgineer, we are reposting this fascinating article that originally appeared on her blog. Enjoy, and please join us on November 16 at 4pm EST for “A Techie's Guide to Public Speaking, Interviewing, & Making Moves to Level Up Your Career” – RSVP right […]
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