Alumni Stories

Beyond the Bootcamp: Sam Owens, Bounce Exchange

In our Beyond the Bootcamp series, we chat with members of our alumni community about their post-Flatiron career journeys. What new roles have they taken on? What advice do they have for others hoping to follow in their footsteps? Sam Owens came to Flatiron School after a stint as a product manager in the fitness […]
Career Advice

What does CKM Advisors look for in Developers?

Since 2012, Flatiron School has worked with a lot of hungry software engineering students – and almost as many companies who come to Flatiron to hire technical talent. In our Career Advice series, companies pull back the curtain and demystify their hiring practices. Today, we share our conversation with Eric Chung, Director at CKM Advisors. Read […]
Flatiron School

Relaunching Flatiron School’s NYC Software Engineering Immersive

It’s a coding bootcamp’s job to prepare students to keep pace with a rapidly-changing tech world. To match the market, we’ve constantly iterated on our curriculum and pushed the limits of what’s possible in the 12-week bootcamp model Flatiron School created in 2012. As we approached 2017, we challenged ourselves to go a step further […]
Flatiron School

How to Read a Jobs Report: 6 Numbers You Need to Investigate

Attending a coding bootcamp can be a life-changing, career-launching experience. But not all bootcamps are equally effective. And while many claim near-perfect hiring rates, few are transparent about their outcomes. This puts prospective students in a precarious position: How can you judge the return on investment of a program if you can’t fully understand the […]
Career Advice

What does New York Magazine look for in Developers?

Read on to see what Christian looks for in candidates and his advice for students hoping to work at New York.
Career Advice

New Free eBook: How to Be a No-Brainer Tech Hire

A note from Flatiron School: In our2018 Online Jobs Outcomes Report, 94% of job-seeking students accepted full-time salaried roles, paid apprenticeships, or part-time roles during the reporting period. Getting a job in tech can be rewarding, fulfilling, and even life-changing – but the process isn’t easy. Sitting back and waiting for a job offer to […]