Tech has a gender diversity problem, and Flatiron School is on a mission to change it.
Right now, at this very moment women are creating, innovating, and changing the tech landscape, across a variety of fields, and yet still the majority of tech’s employees are men by about 2:1 (Source).
But at Flatiron School, we’re breaking the bias. And the women at Flatiron School are making history in tech right NOW. We’re working hard to make opportunities available for more women in tech through scholarships, women in leadership (our CEO and Chief of Staff), and strong women instructors.
These are the stories of our Flatiron School instructors who are innovating both in their own work and how they lead our students. They are making history in tech NOW.
Flatiron School instructors making history in software engineering

Nancy Noyes, software engineering instructor
I spent almost 20 years on the Wall Street trading floor before returning to my computer science roots. I already had a computer science degree and an MBA before taking on the software engineering program at Flatiron School. I fell in love with the mission and have been happily with Flatiron School ever since.
I have spent my life” just going for it.” I was one of a handful of women on the bond trading floor in 1984. The treatment of women since that time has slowly changed. Women just going for it and not taking no for an answer has slowly changed things across time. Each woman that gets ahead makes it a little easier for the women behind her. As a GROUP we need to hold hands and push forward together. We will get wherever we want to go!

Emiley Palmquist, software engineering cohort lead
I’m Emiley and I enjoy building things for the web. My interest in coding started in college when I was asked to program a robot to do a little dance. From there, I started taking some courses, and then I enrolled in Flatiron School. Flash-forward to today, I’m a Cohort Lead teaching full stack web development.
My favorite project that I’ve worked on was my first solo project. I created a web app that allows a user to pick a restaurant category or a mood and get the closest restaurants to them. It was so empowering to be able to create something that could solve a problem I faced.
* For job-seeking women graduates included in the 2020 Jobs Report including full-time salaried roles, full-time contract, internship, apprenticeship, and freelance roles, and part-time roles during the reporting period.
** For job-seeking students who accepted full-time salaried jobs during the reporting period and disclosed their compensation. The average starting salary for students who took full-time contract, internship, apprenticeship, or freelance roles and disclosed compensation was $31/hr for graduates who identified as male and $33/hr for graduates who identified as female. Average pay for a part-time role was $24/hr for graduates who identify male and $30/hr for graduates who identify female.