System Design Overview for Bootcamp Grads
Career Advice

System Design Overview for Bootcamp Grads

In the fast-paced world of technology, a solid understanding of system design is crucial for bootcamp graduates aiming to excel in their careers.
Amelia Freeman
Alumni Stories

Amelia Freeman: From History Major to Software Engineer

"The days were long, and the work was challenging but I just continued to work and work. In the end, I felt very accomplished."
GitHub Profile and Git Practices for Job Seekers
Career Advice

GitHub Profile and Git Practices for Job Seekers

Stand out in your job search and interviews with a unique GitHub profile and industry-standard commit practices.
System Design Interview Overview for Software Engineers
Career Advice

System Design Interview Overview for Software Engineers

System design interviews are open-ended and test different skills than coding-based interviews. This post will clarify the interview process and give you guidelines to start preparing for one today.
Andrew Smit
Alumni Stories

Andrew Smit: Band Director to Software Engineer

"You have to trust the process. A little bit every day goes a long way, and before you know it, those little instances add up to something big." 
Katie Behrmann
Alumni Stories

Katie Behrmann: Educator to Engineer

“I was always excited at the end of my work day to solve coding challenges, build with code, and get creative.”