Intro to Predictive Modeling
Tech Trends

Intro to Predictive Modeling: A Guide to Building Your First Machine Learning Model

Predictive modeling in data science involves using statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to build models that predict future outcomes or behaviors based on historical data. It encompasses various steps, including data preprocessing, feature selection, model training, evaluation, and deployment.
Mapping Camping Locations for the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse
Tech Trends

Mapping Camping Locations for the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Find camping locations within the path of totality of the 2024 solar eclipse by viewing our data visualizations, which merge eclipse and parks geo datasets.
Natural Language Processing
Tech Trends

Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Data Science

Natural Language Processing (NLP) encompasses a variety of techniques designed to enable computers to understand and process human languages. In this post you’ll learn about NLP applications like text classification and sentiment analysis, plus NLP techniques like tokenization and stemming.
Enhancing Your Tech Career with Remote Collaboration Skills
Artificial Intelligence

Enhancing Your Tech Career with Remote Collaboration Skills

Learning to effectively collaborate with co-workers in a remote work setting is a critical skill to hone. Read on to find out how Flatiron’s AI-geared hackathon is helping the school’s graduates sharpen this skill—plus many others.
The 8 Things People Want Most from an AI Personal Finance Platform
Artificial Intelligence

The 8 Things People Want Most from an AI Personal Finance Platform

Smooth bank integrations and rock-solid security are just two things people want most from an AI personal finance platform. Read on to learn the other six, and find out how Flatiron’s Hackonomics hackathon teams will incorporate all eight into their Money Magnet final projects.
Understanding Data Science Terms
Tech Trends

Decoding Data Jargon: Your Key to Understanding Data Science Terms

You should only use data science terms such as mean, median, standard deviation, correlation, and hypothesis testing if you are confident in being able to explain them. This post walks readers through explanations of some of the most common data science terms.