Women In Tech

Alumni Stories
Juliet Day: Law to Data Science
“I’ve been here for over a year and I still love it and find it exciting every day. In some ways, it’s the law career I never had.”

Cognixia: JUMP-Starting Diversity In Tech
In partnership with Flatiron School’s Lovelace and Ford fellowships, Cognixia is committed to building a more diverse tech industry - one jump at a time.

Flatiron School Relaunches Lovelace and Ford Fellowships
We're thrilled to announce the relaunching of our fellowships to celebrate and empower underrepresented individuals in tech.

Alumni Stories
Jasmine Huang: Business to Data Science
“I love my job as an Actuarial Data Analyst, it’s exactly what I dreamed of.”

Alumni Stories
Milena Afeworki: Civil Engineering to Data Science
“Expect a learning curve where immediate progress might not be apparent. But keep persisting, and once those skills take root, you’ll be amazed by how far you’ve come.”

Alumni Stories
Hannah Kofkin: Design to Software Engineering
"It was scary and difficult to leave a steady job, especially during covid, but I worked hard and it was all worth it in the end!”

Alumni Stories
Neda Jabbari, Ph.D.: Academic To Data Scientist
“Interacting with other students in my cohort and instructors with different backgrounds was my favorite part of the bootcamp.”
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