Tech Trends

Career Advice
Best Practices for Online Learning (And How Our Educational Coaches Help You Succeed)
Online learning can sometimes feel intimidating — especially at first. It’s a different experience, and there’s a lot at stake as you work toward starting…

Tech Trends
The Average Starting Salaries for Software Engineers in the Western US
Software engineers are in demand across the Western United States. Major tech hubs like San Francisco and Seattle are leading the way, but there are developing cities like Denver that need front end and back end developers. With the majority of western states surpassing the projected 15% tech employment growth from 2016 to 2026, there […]

Denver Campus
The 20 Best Companies to Work for in Denver
Work/life balance is one of the first things employees look for in a company — and it’s especially true for Denverites. Heading outdoors, volunteer opportunities and events are all important to Denverites, and local companies have heard them loud and clear, competing to be the best companies to work for in Colorado. Many Denver-based companies […]

Tech Trends
What’s the Tech Community in Houston Like?
A city’s tech community doesn’t appear overnight. It takes time, investment, and support from companies and local government. Add in smart, talented people with technical skills and you have the makings of a vibrant tech ecosystem. Flatiron School is seeing this happen in Houston and we’re excited to be a part of the city’s burgeoning […]
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