Software Engineering

Flatiron School’s Latest Jobs Report Shows Promise for Breaking Down Tech’s Gender Barrier

The gender gap in tech won’t improve unless companies big and small work to empower women. Our 2020 Jobs Report shows that we’re helping women find jobs and great salaries.
Tech Trends

5 Reasons Why NYC’s Tech Future is Bright and Why NYC Tech Jobs Will Increase

New York City tech will only continue to grow, increasing NYC tech jobs. Here's why.
image of what is a full stack design
UX / UI Product Design

What is Full-Stack Design?

The age of the full-stack designer has dawned. And there’s no one tool, skill or ability you can count on to save your ASCII.
Tech Trends

The Future of Cybersecurity

In 2013, hackers stole data from over 40 million Target shoppers during the holiday season. In 2014, hackers stole credit card data from 56 million Home Depot customers. In a 2019 Facebook breach, 19 million UK residents were affected. The potential for this data to be used for fraudulent charges or identity theft was a […]
Tech Trends

The Future of Your Career and How to Get There

Our remarkable ability to adapt and evolve has enabled us to design tools that transcend the limitations of time and space. Digital services have become pillars of our modern life and have seamlessly integrated into our personal and professional routines. There’s an app seemingly for everything these days and there’s a high chance that, as […]
Tech Trends

How Tech Can Lead to Social Innovation: An Interview With Dr. Nimmi Ramanujam

Dr. Ramanujam is the Grace Hopper Celebration’s 2019 Social Impact Abie Award winner and we’re proud to sponsor this incredible award.