Software Engineering

Software Engineering
5 Places to Learn How to Code for Free in Atlanta
Atlanta’s teeming with tech talent — it's no secret. The city is home to Fortune 500 companies, vaunted tech institutions, and innovative startups, which has created a thriving tech community. At Flatiron School we want to continue fostering Atlanta’s tech scene — both for beginners, those familiar with code, and anyone else trying to join Atlanta's […]

Software Engineering
Is Coding For Me?
All computer programming careers start with a very simple question: Is coding for me? You’ll be disappointed, but not surprised, to learn that there’s no correct answer to this question. There are many ways to learn how to code and many avenues you can take to become a computer programmer. Learning to code is personal […]

Software Engineering
5 Places to Learn How to Code for Free in Houston
Houston’s tech scene is growing rapidly. While many tech jobs can be found in the energy and space industries, which are synonymous with Houston, the city is also home to a huge startup scene. The city itself and incubators like Station House are also promoting startup growth. All industries’ futures are in tech, so let’s […]

Software Engineering
5 Places to Learn How to Code for Free in Washington D.C.
Looking to learn coding languages? Here are great places to meet others with the same interest and to introduce yourself to the world of code.Washington D.C., like a few other major cities across the country, has seen its tech industry grow steadily over the past few years. And with it comes a demand for programmers […]

Software Engineering
How to Know When You’re Ready to Apply to a Coding Bootcamp
It’s important to know that there’s a difference between when you’re ready to apply to a bootcamp and when you’re ready for day one of a bootcamp program. Read this guide to see if you're ready.

Software Engineering
Quiz: What Kind of Coding Program is Right for You?
There are so many ways to learn to code these days, from coding bootcamps like Flatiron School to online courses to totally free beginner resources. The best way to learn to code depends on many factors, but the most important one is you—your goals, your learning style, your life situation. For newer programmers, it can be […]

Software Engineering
Why You Don’t Need Has_and_belongs_to_many Relationships
The following is a longtime favorite guest post by Flatiron alum Kevin McNamee, a software engineer at Casper. When mapping associations between models in your Rails application, you will inevitably come to a point when two models both ‘has’ and ‘belongs_to’ each other. In this situation, you need to choose between a has_many :through relationship […]
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