Software Engineering

The Importance of Professional Software Development Processes

There’s a huge difference between writing small scripts for fun and shipping software professionally. In this article, let’s look at some of the common processes and tools that you should learn if you want to get a great job as a software engineer. If you’ve ever wondered what git, GitHub, PR’s, TDD, CI and CD […]
Software Engineering

“Code Like a Girl”: An Interview With Author and Student Miriam Peskowitz

While anyone can code, many have felt excluded from pursuing their interests. We hear about the “bro culture” of tech and the initiatives for women in STEM. Miriam Peskowitz, bestselling co-author of “The Daring Book for Girls,” knows what it feels like to be an outsider. Whether it was being among just a handful of […]
Software Engineering

Back to School…Starts With You

Alternatives like Flatiron School are here to provide the opportunity, support and flexibility you need to change your career and life.
Software Engineering

Exploring How Code Is Creative Using Music

Code can be as expressive as music and we show you just how creative it can be in our “Music & Code” workshops. Avi Flombaum, one of our co-founders, was a special guest at a recent “Music & Code” workshop. Music is a universal language and it’s the perfect way to introduce code. “One of […]
Software Engineering

Building Your first Command Line Application in Ruby

If you have Ruby installed on your computer and you’d like to get a little bit of practice coding, this article will run you through creating your very first Command Line Interface in Ruby. Assumptions: This article is not for everyone! It’s for people with some experience of coding. To make this accessible without being […]
Career Advice

5 Cool Chicago Companies Hiring Software Engineers

While the moniker of “Silicon Prairie” may not have the same longevity or charm as the Windy City, it’s a fitting title for Chicago. The city is home to tech giants, innovative startups, and a burgeoning tech community. Not to mention the national corporations, bustling restaurant and hospitality scene, and sports companies—because these days, everyone […]