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How Does Flatiron School’s Career Services Help Students Get Tech Jobs In D.C.?

Posted by Flatiron School on September 20, 2018

At Flatiron School, our work doesn’t end once a student graduates. That’s why we created an incredible Career Services team that works hand-in-hand with students through every step of the job search — from before graduation and well after. We’re also establishing business relationships in every city where we have a campus. All cities are not the same and each have their own needs and specific demands. When we launched a campus in Washington, D.C., we knew our students and local businesses would not be the same as those in New York City. That’s why we worked hard to establish new relationships with companies and students to find out what they really cared about. This unified effort is what has made us so successful to date.

We actively build relationships with business in the area

Every campus has a dedicated Career Services team consisting of career coaches and business development members establishing relationships with various companies. This could be through email or talking to a hiring manager over the phone to figure out the best way to partner with them.

“We’re building bridges with companies and providing a full understanding of what our program is and what our students can do afterwards,” said Reuschal Jackson, Business Development Associate at Flatiron School’s Washington, D.C. campus. This process happens in every city and we talk to every company that may need tech talent.In Washington, D.C., there are many nonprofits, think tanks, and government agencies in need of software engineers and developers. “In Washington, D.C. you might see more government-affiliated companies, but there’s still a growing tech industry and a lot of tech startups,” said Amelia Tidona, Manager of Business Development, NYC and D.C. at Flatiron School. “A lot of the companies that came to our recruiting events are smaller tech startups similar to what you might see in New York. Non-profits and think tanks have also come to our events. There are also large media companies and finance companies, too.”What’s notable about Washington, D.C. is the incredible demand for tech talent. “Overall, there’s been a hungry appetite across all companies. The companies are ready and the employers are raring to go,” said Amelia.While our Career Services team is developing business relationships, our students are also working hard to become “no-brainer hires.”

Student success

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Mor Kenane was ready for an actual challenge. “It felt like I was solving the same problem over and over again,” said Mor. Mor was working in accounting and at the stage in her career where she either needed to earn her CPA license and become a licensed account. Or, she could do something that challenging and technical. Mor decided to enroll in a coding bootcamp and start her career as a software engineer.She knew she needed to enroll in a reputable school if she wanted a job once she graduated. After narrowing down her choices, Mor selected Flatiron School based on our national reputation and her experience with our Bootcamp Prep course. “I really liked the prep course and the fact there was staff available 24/7 for support was really helpful. I could work at my own pace and have someone available to help me from 8 a.m. to midnight,” said Mor.As Mor worked through the Immersive Software Engineering Bootcamp at Washington, D.C., she knew she wanted to become a back-end engineer. She liked order and working with programming languages like SQL and Python satisfied her technical needs. Back-end developers are also challenged in new ways practically every day, which was another requirement for Mor.To make her dream a reality, Mor began working with our Career Services team to prepare for the job hunt. Mor worked on her resume, online portfolio, and practiced with her Career Coach for interviews. She worked hard to prepare for the career she wanted. It was the combined effort of Flatiron School’s Career Services team and Mor’s dedication and preparation that led to her new career. Mor met a potential employer at a social event hosted by Flatiron School. The company wasn’t hiring at that moment, but Mor stayed in touch and would later be her. While we helped establish the relationship, Mor’s dedication made her the ideal hire. At Flatiron School, this is just one of many student success stories we’ve had the pleasure to experience. Hard work pays off in Washington, D.C. and all our in-person and online campuses.

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