Flatiron School
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Flatiron School
Digging In
The following is a guest post by Sarah Duve and originally appeared on her blog. Sarah is currently a student at The Flatiron School. You can follow her on Twitter here. We just started “Build Mode” at Flatiron, which means switching from a labs and lecture-based school day structure, to an entirely project-driven, freeform day with completely new […]

Flatiron School
Fun with Twitterbots!
First things first, twitter is actually pretty smart at catching bots.

Flatiron School
Open Source: How to Git Started
The following is a guest post by Chris Lake and originally appeared on his blog. Chris is currently a student at The Flatiron School. You can follow him on Twitter here. Look, Contributing to Open Source is Super EZ There are loads of ways to contribute to your favorite open source projects. I list out a bunch of […]

Flatiron School
Git-tipping our Guest Speakers
Here at the Flatiron School we do our best to bring in the best and brightest developers, entrepreneurs, and tech moguls to come in and share their knowledge and experience with our students. As a way to show our gratitude we are now saying thanks with the help of Gittip. Gittip is “a way to […]

Flatiron School
Learning a Little Rails, the Second Time
Focus on the fundamentals first and foremost. Then move into a lighter-weight framework like Sinatra, and then give Rails a go.

Flatiron School
Rails Scales
The following is a guest post by Matthew Schmaus and originally appeared on his blog. Matthew is currently a student at The Flatiron School. You can follow him on Twitter here__. Although I just began learning about the magic and wonders of Ruby on Rails, I’ve heard for some time that Rails has issues with scalability once you […]