Flatiron School

How did we get into this mess?

This is a guest post by Dinshaw Gobhai of Constant Contact based on a talk he gave on campus To a developer, operations can seem overwhelming, mysterious, and sometimes just boring. ‘DevOps’ is everywhere, but what people are referring to? Is it tools? Is it culture? Is it something one can learn? The answer is […]
Flatiron School


The following is a guest post by John Richardson and originally appeared on his blog. John is currently in the Ruby-003 class at The Flatiron School. You can follow him on Twitter here. Background: ADK 46-R The ADK 46ers are a set of 46 mountains in upstate NY higher than 4000 feet. If you climb all of these […]
Flatiron School

Hide Your Keys, Hide Your Tokens … Unless Deploying to Heroku

The following is a guest post by Greg Eng and originally appeared on his blog. Greg is currently in the Ruby-003 class at The Flatiron School. You can follow him on Twitter here. In that case, you have to do a little more than just hide them. Typically, an API will require a key or authentication token before […]
Flatiron School

Formatting Phone Numbers on an iPhone

In this post I’ll outline how to integrate this CocoaPod into your project.
Flatiron School

Sandboxing Chef-solo

We’re new to chef-solo, and initially I tried plowing through documentation, hoping to build a comprehensive understanding before diving into the project.
Flatiron School

Demystifying Singleton Classes and Methods

It has been an amazing few weeks at the Flatiron School. Learning how to program has been incredibly fun and exciting as well as frustrating.